Adding .flv MIME type in IIS 6.0

I was having some trouble getting a FLV files to play on a web hosted on Windows 2003 Server  running IIS 6.0. This was because there was a missing MIME Type in IIS. You can also use this method to add other plugins like SilverLight.

  1. Select the site to configure in IIS, right click and select “Properties”
  2. Under HTTP Headers Tab, select “File Types” under the MIME Map section and select “New Type”
    IIS 6.0 Adding MIME Type
  3. Type “.flv” as the associated extension and “video/x-flv” as the content type.
    IIS 6.0 New MIME Type
  4. Select “OK” and you’re ready to flv!

Takes a few minutes to show up on the site…I restarted IIS

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